Thursday, December 29, 2011

2011 was a quiet year for MDP. I took the year off to spend more time with family (after the birth of my son Myles) and to think about the direction I would like my company to go in. The top of 2010 brought about a lot of unexpected changes in my personal and professional life and I think ever since then I just haven’t been able to focus on my business like I should. I recently read a post on FB by a friend that made me do some serious soul searching about the fate of my business, it read “you either need to turn the page or close the book.” Since then I’ve been thinking nonstop about my business, do I continue to make this thing work or should I just leave it altogether and chalk it up as a ‘lesson learned’ or a ‘been there done that moment’.

You see I’ve been at this “building a business” for so long I guess I got used to the disappointment of MDP not moving forward. I believe that I possess the knowledge and know-how to actually make the business a success – it’s the things that I can’t control that slow me down such as: kids, money, time or energy. I have a supportive husband that encourages me in every way possible and I have family who are there to assist me if I need them. It’s a hard balancing act and I struggle because I don’t want to burden someone else with my responsibilities. It’s the superwoman syndrome – “I should be able to do it all…right”? “Wrong”….if that were true I would be writing a very different message today.

I have a girlfriend, who I admire for her energy and drive, she gets it done – I often pray and ask God for some of her spirit to do the things I need to do…LOL, I’m still waiting. She keeps encouraging me though, to continue to press on. She remembers MDP and always tries to include me in on projects or people she meets. Everyone needs someone like that in their life – that keeps you going even when you know you’re not going anywhere at the moment, someone who speaks life into your business.

So at the close of 2011 I made a decision, in 2012 I will give MDP another go – for real this timeJ. I have to; I believe I owe it to myself, my family, my friend and to God. God gave me MDP which is why I can’t shake it, which is why it won’t release me. I used to think things happen in a certain time frame and that I wanted to enjoy success and wealth at a younger age but to God the years are like days and the hours are like seconds. (Sigh). So, I’m moving forward, turning the page and starting a new chapter.

Some challenges still remain - no time, no money and no energy….LOL, but I am moving forward and I am feeling good.

P.s. Be on the lookout for more blog updates and I hope that you’ll stay connected with me on this journey because I am going to need the support.

President & CEO
Minor Details Productions